Hello out there in bloggerland! Thank you for stopping by and I apologize for leaving this blog hanging for the past few months. While I love the intimacy of the blog format for sharing cakes and stories of how they have come to be, the gravitational pull of Facebook has conquered the weekly show and tell of Sugar Song Cake.
It has been a busy winter season for me, and I have had the opportunity to make many beautiful cakes for so many lovely customers! I think that most anyone who is reading this blog now is also following me on Facebook, but if not I invite you to stop by and see what is happening! You can find Sugar Song at:www.facebook.com/SugarSongCakes
or on my new website:
This blog is going dormant for a while, (unless there is some great outcry for mildly witty cake prose to go with some kick ass cakes.) In the meantime check me out above and keep it sweet! Hope to see you soon.
You know your projects stand out of the herd. There is something special about them. It seems to me all of them are really brilliant! university of alabama cake